General orientations of infant and young Child feeding

Update: 11/19/2012 - View: 14990

Optimal feeding for children (from 0 to 3 years old) will be in place with the following focus:

  1. Communication and education on proper feeding knowledge and practice to pregnant women, mothers, and care givers. Communication for behavior change should focus on BF and complementary feeding. Promotion, protection and facilitation of early initiation of BF within 1 hour after delivery and exclusive BF in the first 6 months. Continuation of BF until 24 months or later together with proper complementary feeding (timing and food appropriate to each development phase and nutrition requirement of children)
  2. Nutrition cares for pregnant women, including antenatal care (check-ups, vaccination, proper labor work and resting) and nutrition care (iron supplementation, proper diet for pregnant women).
  3. Reinforcement and improvement of the quality of nutrition service system by building capacity for the existing human resources and providing essential equipment and materials. Integration of IYCF into other programs such as primary health care and reproductive health care.
  4. Instruction, provision of technical counseling and support IYCF in exceptionally difficult circumstances (such as HIV/AIDS, severe malnutrition, low-birth weight infants, natural calamities and disasters, etc.). When natural calamities or disasters occur, back-up resource should be ready to actively support IYCF in the affected areas.
  5. Development, supplementation and reinforcement of legal documents to provide the best support for IYCF. Enhancement of commitment of families, community, government and whole society in ensuring optimal feeding practices for infants and young children.
  6. Implementation of research related to behavior and related factors affecting optimal growth of infants and young children, including BF and complementary feeding. This research will provide scientific evidence for intervention activities, as well as for persuading policy makers for further support.
  7. Development of an information and surveillance system on IYCF in order to timely provide necessary information to policy makers and health services.