Part two National nutrition strategy for 2011-2020, with a vision toward 2030

Update: 4/11/2012 - View: 8316
Part  two


The foundation for the development of the National Nutrition Strategy was based on:

•    Documents of the National Congress of the Communist Party XI (2011).

•   Conclusion No 43-KL/TW ratified April 1,2009, by the Politburo detailing the achieve- ments made in three years during the implementation of Resolution No 46/NQ-TW ratified February 23, 2005 by the Politburo (IX) on “protection, care and improvement of people’s health in the new situation”.

•    Socioeconomic development strategy for 2001-2020.

•    Resolution No 37/CP dated June 20, 1996 on the focus for strategy on health care and protection, with defined basic indicators for public health for the year 2020.

•    Drafted Strategy for care and protection of public health from 2011-2020, with a vision to 2030.

•    Official message No 689/TH signed June 29, 2011 by the government, which agreed to put “The National Nutrition Strategy for 2011-2020, with a Vision to 2030” into the Activities of the Government and Prime Minister in 2011.


1.    Context - opportunities and challenges:

Vietnam is entering the second decade of 21st century with many opportunities and challenges. The economy continues to grow. Trends of globalisation and economic integration have opened development opportunities in many socioeconomic fields, in particular, the fields of science and technology. The proportion of poor households, partic- ularly those with food insecurity, has been remarkably reduced. The average education level has also improved and the literacy rate has been maintained at a high level.

Vietnam has achieved remarkable improvement in the nutrition status of the population. Maternal and child malnutrition has remarkably and sustainably decreased, and knowledge on proper nutrition has been improved. Food security has been strengthened and the average diet of Vietnamese people has been diversified in quality and quantity. There has already been evidence of improved stature of Vietnamese people.

In addition to the forementioned opportunities, Vietnam also encounters many challenges affecting the nutrition situation and work objectives for the coming years, including:
a)   Globalisation brings new issues to many countries, including Vietnam, raising emerging challenges in nutrition and food safety.

b)   Large scale urbanisation raises issues related to social structure, food production, and biological environment. The process of urban growth leads to increased economic disparity through reduction of land available for agriculture, which provides for the livlihood of the majority of the population. In addition, the urban population show significant changes from traditional dietary behaviors with a diet more rich in fat, carbohydrates and processed products.

c)    Vietnam has been recognised as one among 5 countries badly affected by global climate change. Each year, Vietnam faces many natural disasters including floods, typhoons, and drought, leading to increased risk of serious epidemics and food insecurity.

d)   Population growth has further increased the pressure for development. By 2020, the population of Vietnam is expected to rise to about 150 million people. In order to meet the needs of a growing population, adequate food supply and sufficient health and nutrition services must be secured.

e)    Since the economic status has improved in recent years, when Vietnam is no longer considered as a low-income country, external funding and Official Development Assistance (ODA) for nutrition programs/activities from international organisations will continue to decline.

f)    There is a growing challenge presented by the double-burden of nutrition, with high prevalence of undernutrition in mothers and children, combined with rising rates of overweight, obesity, and related chronic diseases.

2.    Nutrition issues forecasted  for 2020

The following issues should be given increased attention, investment, and guidance to address nutrition problems in the coming decades.

a)   Child malnutrition remains at a high level by WHO classification, with significant regional disparity. In particular, the stunting rate, a measure of height according to age, remained high at 29.3% in 2010 and significantly varied amongst different regions. Nationally, there are 12 provinces with prevalence of stunting greater than 35%, mostly in 3 regions: Central Highlands, Central Coastal, and Northern Midland and Mountain areas.

b)   Micronutrient deficiencies, especially in mothers and children, are still common, including anaemia in pregnant women (36.5%), and in children under 5 (29.2%). Sub-clinical vitamin A deficiency and and iodine deficiency are still problems of public health significance, particularly in the Central Highlands, Northwest and Central Coastal areas.

c)    Vietnam is currently encountering the double burden of nutrition. In recent years, the rate of malnutrition has remained high, and in addition, the prevalence of overweight, obesity and nutrition-related chronic diseases has also increased, leading to a new
pattern of morbidity and mortality in Vietnam. Overweight and obesity is now estimated in 4.8% of children and 6.6% of adults.

d)  The role of school nutrition’s ability to influence children’s height and growth, partic- ularly for children who were stunted in early childhood has not received adequate attention and investment,

e)  Clinical nutrition and dietetics departments in hospitals have not been given adequate focus and resources and have been deeply affected by the transition from subsidized to market economy. Therefore, the system should be re-established and developed to meet the needs of nutrition care particularly for aging people and other target groups includ- ing HIV/AIDS and TB patients.

f)   The implementation network for nutrition activities has not yet been synchronised.
There remains a shortage of quality nutrition staff in sufficient numbers to serve in community and hospital settings.


By 2030, Vietnam aims to reduce child undernutrition to a level below public health significance (prevalence of stunting < 20% and underweight < 10%) and to remarkably increase adult height. Knowledge of proper nutrition practices should be effectively communicated for the prevention of nutrition-related chronic diseases, which are on the rise. Food intake amongst different population groups should be monitored, particularly in school children, to ensure appropriate and balanced diets. Furthermore, food safety should been strengthened to help maintain nutritional gains. These strategies will help to ensure that nutrition requirements are met and contribute to improvement in quality of life.


1.    Principles

a)   Improving nutritional status is the responsibility of all people, amongst all authority levels and sectors.

b)   Balanced and proper nutrition is an essential factor to achieve comprehensive physical and intellectual development and improved quality of life .

c)    Nutrition activities should involve multi-sector collaboration, under the guidance and leadership of the Party and Government at all levels, with social mobilisation of mass organisations and the general population. Priority should be given to poor, disadvan- taged areas and ethnic minority groups, as well as to mothers and small children.

2.    Directions

a)   Nutrition-related health problems should be comprehensively addressed, with a focus on reduction of child malnutrition, in particular, the reduction of child stunting through early nutrition interventions for women of reproductive age, pregnant women and children, in order to improve average height amongst adults in Viet Nam.

  Nutrition activities should be implemented at the national level with specific approaches targeted to regions, localities, and target groups, and closely linked with other health programs.

c)    Advocacy and communication are key approaches to incorporate nutrition as a socioe- conomic development indicator in the resolution of the Party, National Assembly and local People’s Council.

d)   Social mobilsation, international cooperation and utilisation of other investments should be strengthened to successfully implement the NNS.


a)   General objectives

By the year 2020, the average diet of Vietnamese people will be improved in quantity, balanced in quality, hygienic and safe; Child malnutrition will be further reduced, especially the prevalence of stunting, contributing to improved nutrition status and stature of Vietnamese people; and obesity/overweight will be managed, contributing to the control of nutrition-related chronic diseases.

b)   Specific objectives

1.    To continue  to improve  the diet of Vietnamese  people, in terms  of quantity and quality


•    The proportion of households with low energy intake (below 1800 Kcal) will be reduced to 10 % by 2015 and 5 % by 2020.

•    The proportion of households with a balanced diet (Protein:Lipid:Carbohydrate ratio
– 14:18:68) will reach 50% by 2015 and 75% by 2020.

2.    To improve the nutrition status of mothers  and children


•    The prevalence of chronic energy deficiency in reproductive-aged women will be reduced to 15% by 2010 and less than 12% by 2020.

•    The rate of low birth weight (infants born less than 2,500g) will be reduced to under
10% prevalence by 2015 and less than 8% by 2020.

•    The rate of stunting in children under 5 years old will be reduced to 26% by 2015, and to 23% by 2020.

•    The prevalence of underweight among children under 5 years old will be reduced to
15% by 2015 and to 12.5% by 2020.

•    By 2020, the average height of children under 5 will increase by 1.5 – 2cm in both boys and girls; and height in adolescents by sex will increase by 1-1.5 cm compared with the averages from 2010.

The prevalence of overweight in children under 5 will be less than 5% in rural areas and less than 10% among urban populations by 2015, and will be maintained at the same rate by 2020.

3.    To improve micro-nutrient status


•    The prevalence of children under five with low serum vitamin A (<0.7 µmol/L) will be reduced to 10 % by 2010 and below 8 % by 2020.

•    The prevalence of anaemia in pregnant women will be reduced to 28% by 2015 and to
23 % by 2020.

•    The prevalence of anaemia among children will be reduced to 20% by 2015 and 15%
by 2020.

•    By 2015, standardised iodized salt (≥20 ppm) will be regularly available throughout the country, with coverage of more than 90% of households. Mean urinary iodine levels in mothers with children under 5 will be between 10-20 mcg/dl, and these concentra- tions will be maintained by 2020.

4.    To effectively control overweight and obesity and risk factors of nutrition related non-communicable chronic disease in adults


•    The prevalence of overweight and obesity in adults will be controlled to a rate of less than 8% by 2010 and will increase to no more than 12% by 2020.

•    The proportion of adults with elevated serum cholesterol (over 5.2 mmol/L) will be less than 28% in 2015 and will remain relatively controlled with less than 30% prevalence in 2020.

5.    To improve  knowledge and practices  regarding proper nutrition in the general population


•    The rate of exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) for the first 6 months will reach 27% by
2015 and 35% by 2020.

•    The proportion of mothers with proper nutrition knowledge and practices when caring for a sick child will reach 75% by 2015 and 85% by 2020.

•    The proportion of adolescent females receiving maternal and nutrition education will reach 60% by 2015 and 75% by 2020.

6.    To reinforce capacity and effectiveness of the network of nutrition services in both community  and health care facilities

•    By 2015, the proportion of nutrition coordinators receiving training in community nutrition (from 1 to 3 months) will reach 75% among provincial level employees and
50% of those at the district level. By 2020, this proportion will be 100% and 75%, respectively.

•    By 2015, 100% of communal nutrition coordinators and nutrition collaborators will be trained and updated on nutrition care practices. Training of all nutrition staff will be maintained in 2020.

•    The proportion of central and provincial hospitals with dieticians will reach 90% at central level, 70% at provincial level and 30% at district level by 2015. By 2020, this proportion will be 100%, 95%, and 50% respectively.

•    The proportion of hospitals applying nutrition counseling and therapeutic treatment for conditions such as aging health, HIV/AIDS and TB, will reach 90% among central,
70% among provincial, and 20% among district hospitals by 2015. By 2020, the coverage will be 100%, 95% and 50%, respectively.

•    The proportion of provinces qualified for performing nutrition surveilance will reach
50% by 2015 and 75% by 2020. Nutrition data will be monitored with particular focus in vulnerable provinces, in emergency situations, and in provinces with high prevalence of malnutrition.


1.    Legislative approaches

•  Leadership and guidance of the Party and Government at all levels should be reinforced to achieve the reduction of underweight in children. Nutrition indicators, particularly stunting rate, should soon be adopted as a national socioeconomic development indicators as well as for each locality. Monitoring and evaluation of the success in achievement of nutrition indicators should be strengthened.

•   Multi-sector cooperation should be finalised for the implementation of interventions to improve nutrition, particularly between the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Agri- culture and Rural Development, the Ministry of Education and Training, the Ministry of Culture, Sport and Tourism, and the Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs. Legislation and solutions are needed to mobilise and promote the involvement of mass organisations and industries in the implementation of the NNS.

•    A legislative framework should be developed and finalised to deal with food and nutrition issues, including: regulations on production, marketing and utilisation of nutrition products for young children, food fortification laws, appropriate maternity leave, breastfeeding promotion, school nutrition policy focusing on pre-school and primary school children, encouraging increased production of specialised nutrition products in the private sector for poor, disadvantaged, minority groups, pregnant women, children under 5, and children with special needs.
2.    Resource development

•    Capacity building:

○    Leading experts in nutrition, dietetics and food safety should be extensively trained and effectively used.

○    Nutrition specialists should be trained in all levels of  education including:
post-graduate, bachelor, and dietetic technicians.

○    A staff network for nutrition professionals, particularly those working in the community, should be developed and reinforced. Management capacity of nutrition activities should be strengthened for staff from central to local levels, including those in relevant sectors/ministries.

○    The training format should be diversified according to social needs of the targeted audience. Priority should be given to training staff in areas with large populations of ethnic minorities, disadvantaged areas, and areas with high prevalence of malnutrition, with consideration of appropriate training design. International cooperation in capacity building for nutrition should be promoted.

•    Financial  resources:

○    Social mobilisation, diversification of funding sources and gradually increased in- vestment in nutrition are considered primary approaches to raising financial capital. Funding sources include: state and local government budgets, international aid and other legal financial support, including additional funds allocated to state budget from national programs and projects.

○    Financial resource should be managed and coordinated effectively, ensuring equal- ity and equity in nutrition care for all people. Monitoring, supervision and evalua- tion of the effectiveness of budget utilisation should be strengthened.

3.    Approaches on advocacy, nutrition information, education  and communication:

•    Advocacy to support increased communication and awareness of the importance of nutrition in the comprehensive development of children’s physical and mental health should be promoted, targeting authorities and managers at all levels.

•    Mass media communication activities should be conducted with various methods, formats and contents specific to each region, area and target group, in order to improve nutrition knowledge and practices, especially those related to the prevention of stunting and control of overweight/obesity and nutrition-related non-communicable diseases in all segments of the population.

•    Nutrition and physical education programs should be enhanced in the school system from pre-school through undergraduate levels, and a school nutrition program should be developed and implemented with gradual introduction of school meals and school milk in pre-schools and primary schools. Appropriate models should be developed based on the region and targeted group.

4.     Technical approaches

•   Specific food and nutrition intervention programs and projects should be developed to improve the nutritional status of target groups. Priority should be given to poor, disad- vantaged, and ethnic minority areas, as well as those at risk.

•    Proper nutrition care should be given to mothers throughout pregnancy and post-de- livery. Exclusive breastfeeding in the first 6 months should be promoted, with education on appropriate complementary feeding for children under 2 years of age.

•    Strengthening the food and nutrition surveillance centers at both the central and regional level institutions is vital to accurately monitor changing trends in food consumption and nutritional status in a systematic way.

•    A network of nutrition services, including counselling and rehabilitation should be developed and strengthened.

•    Production of locally available food commodities, as well as processing and distribution should be promoted and diversified. The VAC ecosystem should be strengthened and expanded, ensuring sufficient production, circulation and distribution of safe foods. Daily consumption of fish, milk, and vegetables should be promoted.

•    A system to monitor and forecast food insecurity at both national and household levels should be established, as well as a plan of rapid response to address nutrition issues following emergencies.

5.    Approaches for science and technology and international cooperation

•    Strengthening capacity building and management systems for scientific research in the field of food and nutrition will enable increased knowledge and analysis of nutrition issues.

•   Research, development and application of technology should be promoted to increase new breed selection and creation, production and processing of nutritious foods, fortified foods and specialised products.

•    Information technology and database development should be promoted in areas of food and nutrition.

•    The utilisation of evidence-based information in policy development, planning and nutrition programs and projects at different levels should be promoted, especially aimed at the prevention of stunting and micronutrient deficiencies.

•    Advances in nutrition sciences related to the prevention of obesity, metabolic syndrome and nutrition related non-communicable diseases should be applied in educational curriculum and practice.

•    Active cooperation in areas of research and education with scientifically advanced countries, institutes and universities, both regionally and globally, will further assist Viet Nam in rapidly scaling-up advanced science and technology standards and nutrition capacity.
•    Comprehensive cooperation with international organisations should be promoted to support the implementation of the NNS. International cooperation projects should be integrated into activities of the NNS to achieve the NNS objectives.


1.    Project  for Nutrition education, communication and capacity building:

•    Objectives: Improve awareness and knowledge of proper nutrition, leading to changed behaviors and healthier lifestyles, Strengthen the network of services and improve capacity of nutrition staff in different levels and sectors, Develop nutrition supportive policies, and Reinforce multi-sector cooperation

•    Target groups and scope of activities: All people should be targeted, but with priority given to nutrition staff working in areas with high prevalence of undernutrition, ethnic minority areas, and socioeconomically disadvanted areas

•    Activities:

○    Annually, communication campains should be implemented in order to raise the awareness of nutrition activities.

○    Programs on should be specifically designed, developed, and implemented to address issues of nutrition communication, control and prevention of stunting in children, and control and prevention of overweight and obesity and nutrition-related non-communicable diseases.

○    Implement communication activities in communities and in schools, focusing on malnutrition control, control and prevention of overweight and obesity, and nutrition-related non-communicable diseases. Participation of communities, family members, teachers and children should be encouraged.

○    Establish nutrition groups for pregnant women to share experiences on nutrition care in order to provide support for women and help to increase nutrition knowl- edge and practices, encouraging healthy fetal growth.

○    Develop and strengthen networks providing nutrition services, including counseling and rehabilitation.

○    Continuing education courses should be regularly organised to maintain high capacity of nutrition workers related to all ministries, sectors, localities with high prevalence of undernutrition, ethnic minority areas, and socioeconomically disadvanted areas.

○    Training modes should be expanded according to needs and desired outcomes, location, and access to technology.

○    New mechanisms and policies should be developed to aid in promotion of training and credibility of experts in nutrition, dietetics, and food safety.

•    Responsible agency: The Ministry of Health
•  Cooperating agencies: The Ministry of Education and Training, the Ministry of Infor- mation and Communication, Vietnam Television, other related ministries, sectors, agencies, and Provincial People’s Committees

2.   Project for maternal and child malnutrition control, focused on reduction of stunt- ing, improvement of height, and proper health and nutrition for pregnant women.

•    Objectives: To improve nutritional status of mothers, children under 5,women of reproductive age, and adolescents, contributing to increased height and physical status of Vietnamese people

•    Target groups and scope of activities:

○    Target groups: Pregnant women and lactating mothers, children under 5, women of reproductive age, and adolescents

○    Scope: Comprehensive implementation of nutrition interventions for mothers and children, nationwide, at health facilities in all levels and communities, with priority given to poor areas

•    Activities:

○    Implement nutrition counseling activities providing information on: diet, resting regime, and supplementation of iron/multiple micronutrient tablets to prevent iron deficiency anaemia during gestation.

○    Support and promote exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months in infants, with appropriate complementary feeding for children under 2 years of age.

○    Provide nutritional products for severely undernourished children who are cared for in hospitals at national, provincial/municipal, district and commune levels.

○    Develop and disseminate a standard protocol of treatment for severe malnutrition in pediatric facilities in provincial/municipal, district, and commune levels.

○    Develop and maintain nutrition groups to create a platform for women to share experiences related to good nutrition care in order to improve knowledge and nutrition practices to improve nutritional status of newborns and young children.

○    Provide health care and proper nutrition for pregnant women, contributing to control and prevention of stunting and improved growth.

○    Monitor nutritional status of children under 5, with particular focus on children under 2 years old, in combination with nutrition and health counseling.

○    Develop plans to produce and distribute nutritional products designed for people at risk for poor nutrition, including: mothers, children, areas affected by natural disasters, and other targeted groups.

•    Responsible agency: The Ministry of Health

•    Cooperating agencies: Related ministries, sectors, agencies, and Provincial People’s
3.    Project  for micronutrient deficiency control:

•    Objectives: Gradually increase the level of vitamins and minerals consumed and absorbed to be adequate to meet daily needs through diversified approaches. Priority should be given to interventions addressing vitamin A, iron and iodine deficiencies, and in the areas and population groups at high risk

•    Target groups and scope: All people should be targeted, but with attention paid to high risk groups and priority for disadvantaged areas

•    Activities:

○    Vitamin A deficiency control: Supplementation of high dose vitamin A capsules for children from 6 to 36 months, twice a year, for women within one month of giving birth and children under 5 years old with risk factors for vitamin A deficiency, including: malnutrition, diarrhoea, measles, acute respiratory infection, and children under 6 months old not receiving breastfeeding.

○    Iron deficiency anaemia control: Supplementation of iron and folic acid for preg- nant women, women of reproductive age, and adolescents. Periodic deworming of children between 2 and 5 years of age and women of reproductive age, according to the guidelines for diagnosis and treatment written by the Ministry of Health.

○    Iodine deficiency control: Promotion of the use of iodized salt, Monitor production and importation of iodized salt, and Develop a policy to provide supplementation for poor and disadvantaged regions, which have no access to iodized salt.

○    Micronutrient fortified food: Fortification of flour, fish sauce, condiments, oil, and other foods to increase micronutrient levels.

•    Responsible agency: The Ministry of Health

•    Cooperating  agencies:  The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Ministry of Education and Training, the Ministry of Information and Communication, other related ministries, sectors, agencies, and Provincial People’s Committees

4.    Program for School Nutrition:

•    Objective: Reduce undernutrition and improve nutrition status of children in the school system

•    Target groups and scope: Teachers and children in kindergartens and primary schools throughout the ountry

•    Activities:

○   Provide nutrition and physical education for children from kindergarten through university in order to accomplish objectives.

○    Develop models of nutrition programs in schools and disseminate standardised menus in school systems in accordance with regional conditions.

○  Provide and enhance the nutrition infrastructure allowing for the availability of meals and milk in kindergartens and primary schools.

○    Train nutrition staff in schools to provide healthier lunches for school children.

○    Develop and disseminate dietary programs for children in kindergartens and primary schools.

○    Develop regulations regarding provision of lunch for children in schools.

•    Responsible agency: The Ministry of Health

•    Cooperating  agencies:  The  Ministry  of  Education  and  Training,  other  related ministries, sectors, agencies, and Provincial People’s Committees.

5.    Project  for overweight  and  obesity and  nutrition-related, non-communicable, chronic disease control.

•    Objective: To control the increase in prevalence of overweight and obesity and nutrition related non-communicable diseases amongst target groups

•    Target groups and scope of activities:

○    Target groups: All of the population, with focus given to preschool and school children

○    Scope: Implementation nationwide, with focus on large, urban areas

•    Activities:

○    Develop nutrition interventions to encourage a healthy lifestyle, including physical activity to prevent overweight and obesity.

○    Implement clinical nutrition activities in hospitals, including: software development for calculation of dietary intakes, and establishment of therapeutic menus for diabetes, hypertension, and other diseases.

○    Develop clinics and counseling facilities in hospitals to provide services for the prevention and control of overweight and obesity and nutrition related non-com- municable chronic diseases.

○    Promote research and development of nutritional products for different target groups in controlling overweight and obesity and nutrition related non-communi- cable chronic diseases.

○    Develop a model to prevent overweight and obesity in schools and communities.

Responsible and cooperating agencies:

○    The Ministry of Health is responsible for activities in hospitals and communities, cooperating with other related ministries, sectors, agencies and Provincial People’s Committees.
○    The Ministry of Education and Training is responsible for activities in school system, cooperationg with the Ministry of Health and other related ministries, sectors, agencies, and Provincial People’s Committees.
6.    Program for food and nutrition security and nutrition in emergencies:

•    Objectives: To ensure household food and nutrition security

•    Target groups and scopes of activities:

○    Target groups: Households throughout the country

○    Scope: Nationwide, with priority given to disadvantaged areas, ethnic minorities, and areas with high prevalence of undernutrition

•    Activities:

○    Develop a model for economic development that also generates local food sources, in order to ensure food security that is appropriate for each region.

○  Research and disseminate information regarding post-harvest technology, with special regards to household scale.

○    Develop an early warning surveillance system to identify risks of food and nutrition insecurity, as well as a food price variability surveillance system.

○    Develop a plan of action for timely response in emergency situations.

•    Responsible agency: The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development

•    Cooperating  agencies:  The Ministry of Health, other related ministries, sectors, agencies, and Provincial People’s Committees.

7.    Nutrition surveillance

•    Objectives: Promote capacity building in the nutrition surveillance network from central to local levels in order to monitor the implementation of the strategy and forecast emerging nutrition problems.

•    Target groups and scope of activities: The food and nutrition surveillance network from central to local levels

•    Activities:

○    Consolidate and strengthen the focal point of nutritional status in the surveillance system throughout the country.

○    Strengthen the capacity for food and nutrition surveillance amongst central level, regional institutions, provinces, and cities, in order to systematically monitor changes in food consumption and nutrition status.

○    Develop a national, “Food and nutrition balanced table” program.

•    Responsible agency: The Ministry of Health

•    Cooperating  agencies:  The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, the Ministry of Planning and Investment (GSO), other related ministries, sectors, agencies, and Provincial People’s Committees


1.    Organisation

a)   The central level steering committee will hold primary responsibility for implementation of the NNS. The committee shall be chaired by the minister of the Ministry of Health, the vice minister from the MOH shall be the deputy chairman, and members of the committee shall be comprised of leaders of related ministries, including: Planning and investment, Finance, Education and training, Agriculture and rural development, Labor, invalids, and social affairs, Information and communication, Trade, Science and technology, and the Vietnam women’s union, Central communist youth union of Ho Chi Minh, and other relevant sectors and mass organisations. The steering committee shall have the responsibility to guide, supervise and promote implementation of the NNS.

b)   The Ministry of Health has been designated by the government as the executing body responsible for coordination of activities with other ministries, sectors, mass organisa- tions and localities to implement the activities of the NNS.

c)    The National Institute of Nutrition is the standing body, which shall assist the central steering committee with technical aspects, monitoring, supervision, and routine evalu- ation of NNS implementation.

d)   The steering committee for the NNS shall be established in each administrative level.
In local levels, it will be chaired by the vice president in charge of cultural-social development with members from the health sector, and standing committee members, including those from the ministries of Planning and investment, Finance, Education and training, Agriculture and rural development, Labor, invalids, and social affairs, Information and communication, Trade, Science and technology, and other relevant sectors and mass organisations.

e)    Throughout implementation of the NNS, there should be a focus on capacity building, combined with a clearly defined plan for resource investment, ensuring successful implementation of the NNS.

2.    Specific roles of relevant ministries,  sectors, and mass organisations

a)   The Ministry of Health is the executing body for the National Nutrition Strategy in cooperation with the following groups: the Ministry of Planning and Investment, the Ministry of Finance, other related ministries, Provincial People’s Committees and social-political organisations. The Ministry of Health, along with its partners, will work to develop a plan of action to implement the NNS nationally so that it is in line with relevant strategies, programs and projects. Projects and programs meetng the NNS’s objectives will be developed and implemented following approval by the assigned authorities. The Ministry of Health will monitor and regularly provide reports on thestatus of NNS implementation to the Prime Minister, organise a mid-term review meeting in 2015, and a final review meeting in 2020.

b)   The Ministry of Planning and Investment is responsible for allocating funding for the NNS from the State budget approved by the National Assembly annually. It is also responsible for raise funds from international and domestic donors to address issues of nutrition.

c)    The Ministry of Finance, in cooperation with the Ministry of Planning and Investment, will allocate sufficient budget annually to accomplish approved NNS projects and programs, based on the capacity of State budget, and the plan approved by the National Assembly. It will provide oversight into all expenditures based on current laws and regulations, in order to cooperate with the Ministry of Health and related agencies to develop policies to promote social mobilisation and encourage individual and institu- tional investment in nutrition.

d)   The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development is responsible to provide guidance for planning and development of approaches to ensure food security. It will cooperate with line ministries and sectors to implement additional plans of action to ensure national food security. Furthermore, it is responsible to develop policies regarding food security, food processing, VAC ecosystem development, and promotion of safe water supply in rural areas.

e)    The Ministry of Education and Training (MOET) is responsible for the development of nutrition education and physical exercise programs from preschool through under- graduate education. This program should include: meal management, a school milk program for preschool and primary school children, development of a school nutrition model, and improved development of preschool and school canteen services. MOET will also gradually increase cooperation with the Ministry of Health to promulgate nutrition in the school setting through incorporation of nutrition education in school curriculum in all levels. The Ministry of Education and Training is also responsible to cooperate with the Ministry of Health in planning and training for capacity building to meet the needs of the NNS implementation.

f)    The Ministry of Labor, Invalids, and Social Affairs is responsible to cooperate with the Ministry of Health and line ministries to develop and implement policies which support nutrition issues, particularly for the poor and disadvantaged areas.

g)   The Ministry of Information and Communication is responsible to cooperate with the Ministry of Health and line ministries to provide guidance and implementation of nutrition information and communication activities, focusing on dissemination of information on proper nutrition. In addition, it will closely monitor advertising compliance with government regulations related to food and nutrition, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health and line ministries.

h)  Line ministries, ministerial and governmental agencies will participate in the implementation of NNS within their mandate and assigned responsibilities.

i)    The Provincial People’s Commitees are responsible for the implementation of the
National Nutrition Strategy in their respective localities based on the instruction of the Minstry of Health and line ministries/sectors. The committees will develop and imple- ment an annual and 5-year plan of action for nutrition according to the objectives set forth in the NNS and the socioeconomic development plan for the same period. They will actively mobilise resources, integrate nutrition with other on-going relevant strate- gies, and integrate nutrition issues in the socioeconomic development plan for their respective provinces. They will regularly supervise the implementation of the NNS in their provinces, and submit annual reports following current regulations.

j)    The Vietnam Women’s Union is requested, based on technical guidance of the Ministry of Health, to promulgate health and nutrition knowledge to its members and mothers, to advocate for the community support in issues of health and nutrition care in order to provide further improvement of maternal and child nutrition.

k)    The Vietnam Fatherland Front, Vietnam General Confederation of Labour, Vietnam Famer’s Association, Ho Chi Minh Youth Union, Association for Elderly People, and other professional associations and social organisations are requested, based on tech- nical guidance of the Ministry of Health, to promulgate health and nutrition knowledge to their members, and to cooperate with the Ministry of Health and relevant agencies in social mobilisation to support implementation of the National Nutrition Strategy.

3.    Cooperative  mechanism

•    The Ministry of Health shall be the focal point, assisting the government to manage the NNS through coordination, direction, supervision, monitoring, and evaluation, periodically reporting on progress and operational results within the government.

•    Other relevant ministries, sectors, localities, political and social organisations are responsible for submitting an annual report to the MOH, who will review and report to the Prime Minister, on their progress and operational results in achieving the NNS objectives.

4.    Planning

•    Phase 1 (2011-2015): Implementation of key activities for nutrition improvement, focusing on education, training, capacity building and strengthening of policies that support nutrition initiatives, institutionalisation of state direction for nutrition activities, and continuation of National target programs.

•    Phase 2 (2016-2020): based on the evaluation of the implementation of phase 1 (2011-2015), phase 2 will involve policy modification, appropriate intervention, and comprehensive implementation of solutions and tasks in order to successfully carry out the objectives of the strategy. Furthermore, the nutrition database will be utilised for planning purposes and to sustain and evaluate implementation of the NNS.

Link download:

Full text: Decision Ratification of the National Nutrition Strategy for 2011 – 2020, With a  Vision toward 2030.

Full text: National nutrition strategy for 2011-2020, with a vision toward 2030

Full text:
Summary of main findings of general nutrition survey and NNS, 2011-2020