PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES Scientific research Research area Clinical nursingFood safetycommunity development Topics and publications Deployed projectInformation is underwayPublicationsInvestigate subject Training Introduction to the training center Education program Library / Lecture Training Activity For students International cooperation Field of cooperation International partners Activities Nutritional network Network map Legislation Nutrition Strategy State management State inspection of imported food Food safety inspection NUTRITIONAL KNOWLEDGE AND FOOD Nutrition theme Foster young children Micronutrient School nutrition Vietnamese Armor 1000 Golden Days Popular knowledge of nutrition Communication Materials The little sunSWAN Project - Clean Water and Nutrition Nutrition and health 10 tips nutritionAbstinence nutritionChild nutritionMaternal nutritionNutrition and beautyNutrition old ageLife nutritionReasonable nutrition Electronic library Library of the Institute of Nutrition Nestlé Library Document Statistics Nutritional informationChild malnutritionAdult nutritionFood consumptionMicronutrientHygiene and food safety Photo & Video SERVICE Food hygiene and safety testing Nutrition consultation Nutrition Products (NINFOOD) Investing in nutrition is the foundation for development Guidelines for Breastfeeding Prevention of iron deficiency in pregnant women Website Link WHO in Viet Nam WHO Library HINARI WHO Library eLENA Nutrition Survey SMART FANTA MOH Viet Nam ENN Nutrition-USA Cục ATVSTP UNICEF WHO News Viet Nam national nutrition strategy for... The Government, No 100-2014-ND-CP-On trading in... DECREE On trading in and using of nutritional products for infants, feeding... Food-based dietary guidelines - Viet Nam Food-based dietary guidelines - Viet Nam. 10 tips on proper nutrition for period... Rome declaration on Nutrition We, Ministers and Representatives of the Members of the Food and Agriculture... ILSI SEA Region Seminar on Vitamin D In Nutrition... Vitamin D is an essential nutrient, well known for its role in skeletal health. While... Press Release Breastfeeding Week 2014 Mother Milk Ha Noi, 1st August 2014 – World Breastfeeding Week 2014 (WBW) commences today in... The awards ceremony the medal to Associate... Today, 26th September 2013, in Hanoi-Vietnam, MOH and NIN organize the Awarding... Vietnamese grow 4 cm in 35 years, remain shorter... Vietnamese are shorter than their neighbors, experts said at a conference in Ho Chi... Vietnamese children either underweight or obese,... More than half of children in Vietnam lack basic vitamins and iron while many are... Application of Optifood software in controlling... Some of the micronutrient deficiencies are public health problems in Vietnam. 14.2% of... Go for Whole Grains Did you know that whole grains can offer many different benefits not only for your... Preparing Healthy Meals at Home As parents, you understand the importance of providing nutritious meals for your growing... 1234