PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES Scientific research Research area Clinical nursingFood safetycommunity development Topics and publications Deployed projectInformation is underwayPublicationsInvestigate subject Training Introduction to the training center Education program Library / Lecture Training Activity For students International cooperation Field of cooperation International partners Activities Nutritional network Network map Legislation Nutrition Strategy State management State inspection of imported food Food safety inspection NUTRITIONAL KNOWLEDGE AND FOOD Nutrition theme Foster young children Micronutrient School nutrition Vietnamese Armor 1000 Golden Days Popular knowledge of nutrition Communication Materials The little sunSWAN Project - Clean Water and Nutrition Nutrition and health 10 tips nutritionAbstinence nutritionChild nutritionMaternal nutritionNutrition and beautyNutrition old ageLife nutritionReasonable nutrition Electronic library Library of the Institute of Nutrition Nestlé Library Document Statistics Nutritional informationChild malnutritionAdult nutritionFood consumptionMicronutrientHygiene and food safety Photo & Video SERVICE Food hygiene and safety testing Nutrition consultation Nutrition Products (NINFOOD) Investing in nutrition is the foundation for development Guidelines for Breastfeeding Prevention of iron deficiency in pregnant women Website Link WHO in Viet Nam WHO Library HINARI WHO Library eLENA Nutrition Survey SMART FANTA MOH Viet Nam ENN Nutrition-USA Cục ATVSTP UNICEF WHO National Plan of Action for IYCF Plan of action for infant and young child feeding 2006 - 2010 Update: 4/11/2012 - View: 11585 Table of content OVERVIEW CURRENT SITUATION AND CHALLENGES OF INFANT AND YOUNG CHILD FEEDING I. The prevalence of Protein - energy malnutrition remains high and the cause of improper feeding plays an important role II. Poor nutritional status and nutrition care for pregnant women III. Implementation of policies supporting infant and young child feeding IV. Inadequate nutrition care for children in exceptionally difficult circumstances GENERAL ORIENTATIONS OF INFANT AND YOUNG CHILD FEEDING AIM AND OBJECTIVES I. AIM II. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES MAIN APPROACHES AND ACTIVITIES ON IYCF IN VIETNAM I. Improvement of the availability and accessibility of appropriate and correct information on IYCF for the population II. Improvement of awareness and behavior/practice on IYCF of mothers and other caregivers III. Establishment of a supportive policy environment for properly practicing of IYCF IV. Provision of supportive services that encourage the practice of proper BF and complementary feeding V. IYCF in exceptionally difficult circumstances VI. Capacity building VII. Research implementation VIII. Inter-sectoral cooperation IX. International and regional cooperation in IYCF X. Monitoring, supervision and evaluation FUNDING RESOURCES IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PLAN I. Implementing network II. The mechanism of cooperation III. Monitoring and reporting the implementation of the action plan IV. Implementation schedule Annex 1 Annex 2: Operational network Annex 3: Mechanism of cooperation Annex 4: Budget. Annex 5: Progress Annex 6: Special terms used in this document.Click here to download this book