Scientific Research
Research on nutritional requirements and the dietary intake of the Vietnamese people.
Food and nutrition surveillance, nutritional epidemiology studies and other nutrition – related health issues.
Research on food science and the development of a Vietnamese food composition database.
Research on food hygiene and food safety.
Clinical trials and studies regarding therapeutic foods and nutritional therapies.
Research – based policy suggestions to improve nutritional health and food safety of Vietnam.
Nutritional counselling and practical expert advice related to nutrition and food.
To provide medical doctors with specialized traning in nutrition as per Decision of the Prime Minister.
To provide continuing edcation, re-fresher courses with current information for officials and employees working within the scope of nutrition, food systems and food safety in Vietnam.
To collaborate with secondary schools, colleges, and post – graduate courses universities (specifically master specialist I and II in nutrition). This collaboration includes medical, pharmaceutical and technical universities as well as other types of training on nutrition and food safety.
Nutrition Information Education and Communication
To coordinate with other agencies to develop content, formatted methods of communication and education material related to nutrition and food safety.
To perform interdisciplinary coordination in communication and education of nutrition health, as well as the mobilizing social forces to effectively implement nutrition and food safety activitiles.
Nutrition Network coordination
To assist the Minisitry of Health to direct, support, provide guidance and technical expertise in the field community nutrition food systems, and hospital dietetic programs nationwide.
To participate in providing professional/technical guidance involving a food safety assessment system.
To organize and implement, monitor, and evaluate programs and projects regarding nutrition, food safety and nutritional programs and projects.
International Cooperation
To encourage international cooperation, particularly in the field of scientific research, personnel traning, building infrastructure, equipment and facilities.
Apply scientific achievements in the field of nutrition, food, and implement programs and projects relating to nutrition and food safety.
Assign staff members to study, research, and work aboroad, receiving foreign experts, trainers, trainees who come for research, exchange of experience and learning at the Institute.
Public Services
Implement nutrition intervention programs and projects in the community.
To create, manage and monitor the nutrition surveillance and food safety monitoring systems, as well as build a nutritional epidemiology database.
To inform, educate, communicate and provide counselling regarding nutrition & food safety. To periodically develop food – based dietary guidelines and nutritional requirements of the Vietnamese people.
To conduct state – required assessments on improted food and control for food safety.
To participate in developing legal provisions relating to the food and quality stanadards for Vietnamese meals.
Services Meting the needs of the Society
Research; applying scienticfic results for the manufacturing and trading of nutritional products; receiving and transferring formulations and technological processes of food production.
To provide clinical services, nutritional counseling and other services.
To associate with companies, organizations, domestic and foreign enterprises in order to apply and disseminate results of scientific research into praxls.
To consult and conduct food testing servies as required.
To provide the services of traning, re – traning, and countinuing education on nutrition and food safety; traning, and re – traning professional and knowledge about food safety testing; biochemical testing and diagnosis of nutritional diseases by using innovated technology.
To provide investigation and evaluation servies related to nutritional and food consumption status.
To provide services related to direct export and import of nutritional products, functional food, publications, chemicals and medical – nutition laboratory equipment.
Director board
Assoc. Prof. Le Danh Tuyen, PhD. MD.
Deputy Directors
Assoc. Prof. Truong Tuyet Mai, MD. PhD.
Mr. Nguyen Hong Truong, Dr. MD.
Department of Community Nutrition
Tel. 84-24 39715127
Department of School and Occupational Nutrition
Tel. 84-24 39715926
Department of Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics
Tel. 84-24 39211758
Department of Nutrition & Non-communicable Diseases
Tel. 84-24 39710529
Department of Nutrition Surveillance and Policies
Tel. 84-24 39716139
Department of Food Microbiology & Molecular Biology
Tel. 84-24 39716294
Department of Food Chemistry
Tel. 84-24 38211413
Department of Nutrition Biochemistry and Nutrition Metabolism
Tel. 84-24 39710576
Department of Micronutrients
Tel. 84-24 39719280
Center for Nutrition Information and Communication
Tel. 84-24 39713090
Center for Food and Nutrition Training
Tel. 84-24 39724030
Center for Scientific and Technological Service in Food and Nutrition
Center for Nutrition Counselling, Rehabilitation and Obesity Control
Laboratory Center on Nutrition Metabolism and Food
Division of General Planning
Tel. 84-24 39716995
Division of Human Resources and Administration
Tel. 84-24 39713173
Division of Finance and Accountancy
Tel. 84-24 39716060
Division of Management Supply
Tel. 84-24 39717322
Division of Scientific Research Management
Tel. 84-24 39716100
Division of Nutritional Network Coordination
Tel. 84-24 39716296
Department of State Control on Food Safety and Nutrition
Tel. 84-24 39714826