PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES Scientific research Research area Clinical nursingFood safetycommunity development Topics and publications Deployed projectInformation is underwayPublicationsInvestigate subject Training Introduction to the training center Education program Library / Lecture Training Activity For students International cooperation Field of cooperation International partners Activities Nutritional network Network map Legislation Nutrition Strategy State management State inspection of imported food Food safety inspection NUTRITIONAL KNOWLEDGE AND FOOD Nutrition theme Foster young children Micronutrient School nutrition Vietnamese Armor 1000 Golden Days Popular knowledge of nutrition Communication Materials The little sunSWAN Project - Clean Water and Nutrition Nutrition and health 10 tips nutritionAbstinence nutritionChild nutritionMaternal nutritionNutrition and beautyNutrition old ageLife nutritionReasonable nutrition Electronic library Library of the Institute of Nutrition Nestlé Library Document Statistics Nutritional informationChild malnutritionAdult nutritionFood consumptionMicronutrientHygiene and food safety Photo & Video SERVICE Food hygiene and safety testing Nutrition consultation Nutrition Products (NINFOOD) Investing in nutrition is the foundation for development Guidelines for Breastfeeding Prevention of iron deficiency in pregnant women Website Link WHO in Viet Nam WHO Library HINARI WHO Library eLENA Nutrition Survey SMART FANTA MOH Viet Nam ENN Nutrition-USA Cục ATVSTP UNICEF WHO Collaboration Support for National Nutrition Strategies (2001-2005) Update: 6/22/2012 - View: 20072 Brief DescriptionSupport for national nutrition strategies (nutrition subproject) is one of three subprojects belong to Project Health & Nutrition policies promotion, which was funded by UNICEF in the programme cooperation cycle 2001-2005. This subproject was to focus on providing supports to the MOH in development of national nutrition policies to improve the nutrition status of the population.General objectiveTo improve the health and nutritional status of the population, particularly children and women.Specific objectivesThe main project objective is to contribute to the achievement of the national objectives in the sector. The project focussed particularly on the achievement of the following specific objectives:Support the Government in development of appropriate nutrition policies related to PEM and micro-nutrient deficiency controlNational policy on promotion of breast feeding and new national code on marketing of BMS made available.To strengthen the nutrition surveillance systemsTo ensure high coverage of households with adequately Iodised Salt (>70% for theMekong River Delta and > 85% for the other regions), ensure high-dose vitamin A capsules for children 6-36 months (>95%) post-partum mothers (>80%) and targeted children (>80%), and iron/folate tablets for pregnant women (80%) in intervention districts.Main achievements in period 2001-2005Nutrition related Policies reviewed (IYCF action plan, including HIV and infant feedings, National Decree 74 related to BF and national Decree 19 related to IS) and as a result the new Decrees are promulgated: Decree No 163/2005/ND-CP dated 29/12/2005 on production and supply Iodised Salt and Decree No 21/2006/ND-CP dated 27/2/2006 on marketing and use of breast substitutes. National Plan of Action on IYCF for 2006-2010 was ratified on 27/12/2006 (Minister of Health's Decision No 5471/ QD-BYT).Comprehensive package to improve maternal and child health and nutrition developed and have been implementing in 6 pilot districts of 3 provinces with provision of multiple micro-nutrient and de-worming drug.Supported training materials and training courses on Complementary Feeding Counseling for provinces and Secondary Medical School teachers.Mass communication activities on the Micro-nutrient Days (1-2 of June), World Breast Feeding Week (1-7 August), National Iodised salt Day (2 November) are maintained.Developed and produced the guiding booklets and IEC materials on implementation of nutrition intervention activities.Provided 61,178,500 capsules 100,000IU and 32,838,500 capsules 200,000IU of vitamin A for distribution with high coverage to the children aged 6-36 months twice a year (covered more than 95%), to sick/malnourished children and postpartum women (coverage 80%).Provided 90 mill. Iron/folic acid tablets for pregnant women in project areas during 2001-2003 (coverage 80%).Provided supports for strengthening and maintainane of the monitoring system of the Iodine Deficiency Disorder Control programme (IDDC) and nutrition surveillance system.The National IDDC Programme has met the key IDD eliminating goals that set by the MOH to be reached by end of 2005 (stated in 2006). Related news Nutrition policy and Advocacy (2006-2010) Local capacity building for effective and sustainable implementation of community-based nutrition activities for improving nutritional status of... Iron fortified fish sauce Nutritiuos food for 7-24 month old Children vulnerable to malnutrition in poor areas Improving Vitamin A nutrition and deworming for poor and vulnerable children Participatory approach for contribution to improvement of safe water, nutrition and health environment in three rural communes in Vietnam Sustainable Micronutrient Interventions to controL deficiencies and Improve Nutritional status and General health in South East Asia Institutional collaboration