Part 2-National nutrition strategy period 2001-2010

Update: 4/11/2012 - View: 7641


  • Investment in nutrition means the investment in development of physically and mentally healthy manpower in order to meet the national needs in the new period of industrialization and modernization of the country, therefore national investment in nutrition is the investment in country's development.
  • Investment in nutrition will contribute to ensure greater social equity and to improve people’s potential in the new century. Investing in nutrition is also to protect Child Rights and to ensure gender equity, thus mobilizing every individual and family to involve in the course of Nutrition improvement.
  • Community-based nutrition activities are multi-sectoral and multi-disciplinary. They require a systematic guidance of the Government and its responsibility as well as those of the community, families and the whole society.


  • Nutrition activities should be implemented in every household in all communities, based on transferring nutrition understanding and desirable practices to every family member through IEC activities..
  • Solving nutrition-related health problem will be a key issue of this national nutrition strategy 2001-2010.
  • Nutrition activities should be highly socialized and long-term. There is a need for further development in training of nutritionists and in fostering more effective multi-sectoral activities from the central to the community level.
  • Intervention activities need to be planned and carried out carefully with attention to their  specific content and approaches based on the situation analysis in each locality.
  • Increased international cooperation in the implementation of this National Nutrition Strategy is needed.

Link download:

Full text: National Nutrition Strategy period 2001-2010

Full text: Decision of the Prime Minister on the ratification of the National Nutrition Strategy 2001-2010