Rationale for the Development of the National nutrition strategy period 2001-2010

Update: 4/11/2012 - View: 5797

For a long time, freedom from hunger and poverty has been seen as a dream by human beings. In the International Conference on Nutrition held in Rome in September 1992, representatives from 159 countries committed themselves to eradicate hunger and poverty and to reduce all forms of malnutrition. The Conference also confirmed that hunger and malnutrition could not be accepted in the World any longer where there is a full of understanding and the resources necessary to eradicate this condition. The World Declaration on Human Rights in its Article 25 strongly states that all people in the World have the right to live a comfortable life, including having an adequate diet and access to needed health care.

Vietnam’s socio-economic and development strategies, as set by the Party and the Government, have placed much attention on developing human resources; this means attention is given to their creative force aiming at reaching the highest goals possible.

In order for human resources development to meet the requirement of the country's industrialization and modernization, it is necessary and urgent to improve population's health, of which improving nutrition is a key issue.

The Resolution of the Central Committee of the Party Congress VIII stated that the implementation of a national program of nutrition was needed to reduce child malnutrition from 42% to less than 30% by the year 2000, to eliminate severe malnutrition, and to decrease the percentage of the population with low energy intake (<2100 Kcal) to below 10%. The People’s Health Law confirms the responsibility of the government and authorities at different levels in health care for the population; in this effort nutrition is again a key issue. The Resolution 37-CP of the Government on Strategic Orientation of the population’s health care dated June 20,1996, set the main health targets to the year 2020: The prevalence of child malnutrition to be reduced to 15% and the mean height of Vietnamese youth to increase to 165 cm by the year 2020.

On September 16, 1995, the Prime Minister ratified the National Plan of Action for Nutrition 1996-2000. This was the first national nutrition strategy officially approved in Vietnam. Where the Government asked authorities at all levels to integrate nutrition goals, reduction of malnutrition eradication of poverty, into their local socio-economic and cultural development plans. Up to now, several important goals of the plan has been achieved and many nutrition activities have gradually been socialized for community participation. The 21st Century, with great challenges, stronger efforts are needed to develop and implement the sustainable development strategies, among which the Nutrition Strategy plays a central role. The Nutrition Strategy is comprehensive, ensuring appropriate dietary intake for everyone and every household, and improving health and nutritional status of the people. For better generation that provide a good human resource for the country’s industrialization and modernization course. This strategy is a follow-up step of the NPAN 1996 – 2000, showing the persistence of the Government to achieve the set objectives.

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