Objectives of Child Malnutrition Control program

Update: 5/9/2012 - View: 32792

As human considered a key factor in socio-economical development strategy, improvement of nutritional status and child malnutrition reduction are important objectives written in official policy document of the country. Good care and malnutrition free are basic rights of children within the laws on child protection and care of Vietnam.

Malnutrition reduction has been integrated in resolutions of party and government of all levels. Malnutrition control has become one of key tasks of local government that they have to provide specific supports on human and material resources.

General objective by 2010

To improve child nutritional status in both weight and height, to reduce malnutrition rate to medium level defined by WHO, to eliminate high level of malnutrition in all regions, and to control overweight/obesity in children.

Specific objectives by 2010

  • By 2010, to reduce underweight in under 5 children to less than 20% nationally, reduce stunting to less than 25%.
  • In those provinces with malnutrition rate over 30%, to reduce underweight rate to less than 30% (there will be no provinces with underweight over 30% by 2010)
  • To control overweight/obesity in children under 5 to less than 5% nationally.

Program objectives by 2015 and 2020

  1. To reduce underweight rate in children under 5 to less than 14% by 2015 and less than 10% by 2020.
  2. To reduce stunting rate of children under 5 to less than 25% by 2015 and less than 20% by 2020.
  3. To control overweight/obesity in children under 5 to less than 5%.