Operation System of the Child Malnutrition Control program

Update: 2/22/2013 - View: 7764

Steering committee and management board

The Steering committee of the child malnutrition control program was established by Decision 924/ QĐ-BYT signed by the Deputy Minister of Health Tran Chi Liem on Mar 19, 2008, which was then modified by Decision 4487/ QĐ- BYT dated Nov 14, 2008.

The members include National Institute of Nutrition, Maternal and Child Health Department, Planning Department, Preventive Health Department, Regional Institutes, National Pediatric Hospital, National Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital, Pediatric Hospital I, Tu Du Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital, Hue National Hospital, and National Institute of Malariology, Parasitology and Entomology.   

Assoc. Prof. Dr Tran Chi Liem – Deputy Minister of Health – Head of Steering Committee

Professor Le Thi Hop – Director of NIN – Head of Management Board.

Implementing system in the locality:

  • Provincial Department of Health Service is the standing agency for the provincial steering committee, providing guidance for the 2 provincial centers to directly implement the child malnutrition control activities in the community.
  • Reproductive Health Center: is to implement intervention activities such as prenatal care, child feeding and nutrition education…
  • Preventive Health Center: Vitamin A supplementation for children, Iron supplementation for pregnant women, survey and evaluation of the program…

Specific interventions

A nutrition strategy appropriate to the coming period should be developed to sustain the reduction of underweight and to further reduce stunting to improve Vietnamese stature. The child malnutrition control program needs to be given more investment and more specific interventions that meet the needs of target groups and regions should be built

  1. Implementation of early nutrition care (care for women before and during pregnancy, and for children under 24 months old) following preventive approach.  
  2. Reinforcement of micronutrient deficiency control interventions for vulnerable groups (Vitamin A supplementation for children 6-60 months old, iron/folate supplementation for pregnant and reproductive-aged women, zinc supplementation for children with diarrhea, and food fortification)
  3. Implementation of specific intervention (multi-nutrient supplementation for young children and mothers), comprehensive intervention for disadvantaged areas and areas with high malnutrition. Height growth monitoring and supervision of child stunting.
  4. Supervision of the situation of overweight/obesity and nutrition-related non-communicable chronic diseases.