Information of training courses on demand

Update: 4/25/2012 - View: 15467

A. Short courses for 1-2 weeks
A1. Short course on community nutrition

1. Course title: Basic nutrition
Main content:

  • Nutrition and health
  • Role and requirement of macro-nutrients
  • Role and requirement of micro-nutrients
  • Hygiene characteristics and nutritive values of foods
  • Vietnam Food composition table
  • Dietary assessment
  • Diet development for different targets

2. Course title: Nutrition and Maternal/Child care
Main content:

  • Principles and practices on health and nutrition care for pregnant and lactating women..
  • Breastfeeding.
  • Complementary feeding
  • Child growth monitoring.
  • Child malnutrition and control
  • Common micronutrient deficiency disorders in children.

3. Course title: Skills on nutrition communication and education.

Main content:

  • Concepts of nutrition communication, education and counseling
  • Nutrition counseling skills
  • Methods and channels of nutrition communication and counseling
  • Designing of communication materials
  • Planning of nutrition communication
  • Operation of nutrition communication  

4. Course title: Planning, management and monitoring of nutrition intervention programs in community

Main content:

  • Planning a nutrition intervention in community.
  • Monitoring and evaluation of intervention program in community
  • Designing and writing a nutrition research proposal

+ Research topic, research question and hypothesis development. Identifying research aims, objectives appropriate to community need
+ Development of outcomes, expected outputs and appropriate activities to achieved defined objectives.+ Development of variables and indicators appropriate to the objectives and expected outputs
+ Different research designs and how to select a proper one.
+ Sample size and sampling in nutrition research.
+ Development of research operation plan.
+ Budget for research.
+Structure of detailed research protocol and how to write a scientific research protocol.

A2. Two-week short courses on food safety control
1. Basic micro-biology tests
Main content:

  • How to take a sample and preserve it.
  • How to conduct basic micro-biology tests in food safety control
  • How to analyze test results.

2. Basic food chemistry tests

Main content:

  • How to take a sample and preserve it.
  • How to conduct basic food chemistry tests in food safety control
  • How to analyze test results.

A3. Two-week short courses on dietary therapy
Main content:

  • Nutrition and health
  • Roles and requirements of macronutrients
  • Roles and requirements of micronutrients.
  • Hygiene characteristics and nutritive values of foods
  • Vietnam food composition table.
  • Principles of diet design for normal people and patients.
  • Practice on diet design for patients with diabetes, hypertension, blood lipid disorder, obesity, and Gout.

B. One-month courses with certificate
1. Course on community nutrition

Main content:

  • Nutrition and health
  • Roles and requirements of nutrients
  • Hygiene characteristics and nutritive values of foods
  • Diet assessment and design for different subjects.
  • Principles and practices on health and nutrition care for pregnant and lactating women.
  • Breastfeeding
  • Complementary feeding
  • Feeding practices for a sick child (diarrhea, respiratory infection, anorexia, vomiting)
  • Child nutrition assessment and growth monitoring.
  • Child malnutrition and prevention
  • Common micro-nutrient deficiencies in children.
  • Planning a nutrition intervention in community.
  • Monitoring and evaluation of intervention program in community

2. Course on food safety control
Main content:

  • Techniques on sampling and sample preservation
  • Techniques on conducting a food poisoning inspection
  • Basic chemical and micro-biological tests in food safety control.
  • Practices on quick tests in food safety control

3. Course on clinical nutrition and dietary therapy

Main content:

  • Nutrition and health
  • Roles and requirements of macronutrients
  • Roles and requirements of micronutrients.
  • Hygiene characteristics and nutritive values of foods
  • Vietnam food composition table.
  • Principles of diet design for normal people and patients.
  • Practice on diet design for patients with diabetes, hypertension, blood lipid disorder, obesity, and Gout.
  • Nutrition and diabetes.
  • Dietary therapy in diabetes
  • Dietary therapy in hypertension
  • Dietary therapy in obesity.
  • Dietary therapy in blood lipid disorder.
  • Dietary therapy in Gout
  • Principles, process and structure of nutrition and dietary therapy department in hospital.
  • Management and supervision of activities of nutrition and dietary therapy department

C. Three-month course

This course has been designed for those students who need to learn all 3 one-month course (on community nutrition food safety control and nutrition and dietary therapy). Basically, training objectives and contents of the course are the combination of the mentioned 3 courses.

D. Training by order

Beside those fixed courses, the training center also designs and conduct other training based on the orders of individual and organizational clients. Then, the course objectives, contents and duration depend on the results of training need assessment of the clients. Course tuition is a negotiation between the training center and clients. .