National Institute of Nutrition

Cập nhật: 5/24/2017 - Lượt xem: 31058
Director: Associate Professor LE THI HOP, MD. PhD

The leading institution responsible for nutrition in whole country

Address: 48B Tang Bat Ho Street, Hanoi, Vietnam
Tel: (84-4) – 39713784; (84-4) -39717090.
Fax: (84-4) - 39717885

The establishment of national institute of nutrition 
The National Institute of Nutrition (NIN) under Ministry of Health was established in 1980 by the Government of Vietnam.
The NIN is the leading institution responsible for research, training and implementation activities in the field of nutrition, food sciences and clinical nutrition for the whole country of Viet Nam. 

  • Research on nutritional requirements and dietary intake of Vietnamese people in relation to physiological status and socio-economic conditions of the country.
  • Food and nutrition surveillance, nutritional epidemiology studies and other nutrition-related health problems.
  • Research on nutritive values and health aspects of Vietnamese foods.
  • Research on food hygiene and food safety·
  • Research on the measures for improving nutritional status, food hygiene and food safety condition.
  • Developing the food- based dietary guidelines for Vietnamese people.
  • Coordinating the nutrition network for the whole country and implementing the different nutrition action programs.
  • Assisting the Government in developing the nutrition policy.

Major achievements
  • Assessment of nutritional status and dietary intake of Vietnamese people in different ecological regions, every year and or a period of time.
  • Epidemiology of  major nutritional deficiencies and disorders (surveys, community trial).
  • Establishing the Dietary Allowances and Food Based Dietary Guidelines for Vietnamese people and the development of a Nutrition Policy in Vietnam (update 2006).
  • Developing and updating food analysis data, establishing the Vietnamese Nutritive Composition Table (update 2007).
  • Investigating food safety and food hygiene control, development of Standard Laboratory of Food safety and Food Hygiene, contributing to the development of food regulations.
  • Research on nutrition problems in transition period (research program).
  • PhD training in community Nutrition and in collaboration with Hanoi Medical College in training Master of Science in community nutrition.
  • Implementation of National Nutrition Strategy (NNS). National focal point for nutrition coordination of Protein Energy Malnutrition Program (PEM) and micronutrient deficiencies (Vitamin A and iron deficiency control programs).
  • Implementation of nutrition education and nutrition surveillance activities.   Institutional collaboration
  • The NIN has set up cooperative relationship with such international agencies as UNICEF, WHO, FAO, The Netherlands Government, ADB, WB, ILSI as well as many Non-Governmental Organizations and other research institutions/Universities including WU (Netherlands), INMU (Thailand) and Universities of Japan, University of Los-Banos (the Philippines), IRD, GRET (France). The Institute has expanded the international cooperation in training and scientific research, involving the University of Sydney, University of Queensland and Queensland University of Technology (2008).
  • The National Institute of Nutrition has been appointed as the WHO national participating Institution for Food Contamination Monitoring (1995), as the SEAMEO-TROPMED Collaborative Center in Community Nutrition (1994) and as the National Focal Point for Nutrition (1995) and the National Nutrition Strategy (2001).

The NIN has a scientific and research staff of 130 people, of whom 6 are Assoc. Professors, 25 PhD., 33 MPs., about 90 undergraduate and graduate technicians and a support staff, mainly from medicine and from other disciplines.

Associate Professor Le Thi Hop, MD. PhD
Tel. (84-4) 3 971 6959;

Deputy Directors
Nguyen Thi Lam, Assoc. Prof.; PhD;
Tel. (84-4) 3 971 3086;

Le Danh Tuyen, PhD.MD;
Tel. (84-4) 3 821 0049;

Le Bach Mai, Assoc. Prof.; PhD;
Tel. (84-4) 3 971 5127;


Department of School & Occupational Nutrition
Dr. Le Nguyen Bao Khanh; Tel  84-4-3 971 5926
Department of Community Nutrition
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Le Bach Mai ; Tel 84-4-3 971 5127

Department of Applied Nutrition & Nutrition Surveillance
Dr. Le Danh Tuyen; Tel. 84-4-3 971 6139  

Department of Clinical Nutrition & Dietary Therapy
Dr. Pham Thi Thu Huong; Tel. 84-4-3 921 1758  

Department of Micro-nutrient Research & Application
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Xuan Ninh; Tel. 84-4-3 971 9280.  

Department of Food Sciences & Food  Hygiene & Safety

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ha Thi Anh Dao; Tel. 84-4-3 821 1413  

Department of Nutrition Biochemistry & Metabolism

Dr. Vu Thi Thu Hien; Tel  84-4-3 971 0576  

Food & Nutrition Training Center
Dr. Pham Thi Thuy Hoa; Tel. 84-4-3 972 4030  

Nutrition Information, Education & Communication Center
Dr. Hoang Kim Thanh; Tel. 84-4-3 971 3090  

Food & Nutrition Technology Center
Ms. Do Thi Bao Hoa; Tel. 84-4-3 971 6293  

Nutrition Counseling Center
Dr. Le Thi Hai; Tel. 84-4-3 972 0554  

Planning & Supply Section

Dr. Nguyen Chi Tam; Tel. 84-4-3 971 6995  

Scientific Research Management Section
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pham Van Hoan; Tel. 84-4-3 971 6100  

Nutrition Network Coordination Section

Mr. Phan Van Huan; Tel. 84-4-3 971 6286  

Personnel and Administration Section
Mr. Hoang Viet Thang; Tel. 84-4-3 821 1713  

Finance and Bookkeeping Section
Mrs. Nguyen Tuyet Le; Tel. 84-4-3 971 6060